martedì 4 novembre 2014

I Have a Dream - inglese interattivo

Le professoresse del Dipartimento di Inglese presentano un lavoro fatto in classe.
Remember how wonderful was when you were young and you could imagine your future. For one moment I have imagined the future of my students: they will be judges, doctors, architects, engineers, astronauts or politicians. But in particular they will be citizens of the world. So they will need to use English in their daily life.
For this reason I have chosen to involve them in a project: “I have a dream... that one day I will be the leader of the class”. Instead of choosing the leader every month, I think that students can explain their own reason to be a good leader. Each candidate, thanks to the help of a ppt in English, explains the reason why he/she can be a good leader. After the presentation, the class can vote. 
In this project students are the heart of the lesson: some of them prepare the presentation trying to convince their friends that they are the best one to do this role. The other have to listen to their friends and vote for them.
In my opinion, it doesn’t matter who won. The most important thing is to take part to the project and have fun.
Here there are the emotions of the protagonists of this event.

The day of the election, I was really worried but at the same time excited. After the performance and after the election I was very happy. I won even if my opponent was very popular in the class.
I' m really proud to represent my class, and I hope I will carry out this role with responsibility.
 Di Biase Francesco Paolo

Thanks to the teacher Regina D'Alterio, we have done a new experience: the election of the leader of the class. In my opinion, this was a very interesting lesson, because we have had fun but at the same time we have learned a lot. In my opinion this has been the most beautiful lesson of the three years of middle school.
Di Girolamo Giovanni
I love this way of electing the head of the class because it allows the class to vote and to choose the leader. According to this method, each candidate must submit a slogan and explain what he will do during the period in which he/she will be the leader. 
My motto was #thinkdifferentimpossibleisnothing.
Even though I lost, I have enjoyed looking at the power point of my classmates and I'm happy that Francesco Paolo has won.
Di Prisco Alessandro
For me it has been an interesting experience. Even if I wasn‘t elected I enjoyed it a lot. Thanks to our teacher Regina we have found a way to learn new things and  spend time together. I hope that next time it will be better but anyway I was happy.
Maisto Antonio

In my opinion this experience has been beautiful for two reasons: because we have improved our language and our pronunciation and above all because we have had fun.

Picascia Stefano